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- Lessons can be conducted virtually or in-person.
- Pre-payment is required for lessons to take place.
- No refunds will be given for a poor internet connection unless deemed appropriate by the instructor.
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Watch this FREE lesson from our YouTube channel and learn the basic steps of Tai Chi!
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
-Lao Zi-
Meet Your InstructorDr. Justin Flinner, DAc, LAc, DiplAc
Why Should You Learn Tai Chi & Qi Gong?
Strength, Flexibility, & BalanceBoost your physical fitness by increasing your strength, improving your flexibility, and steadying your balance.
Harvard Health |
Reduce Your PainResearch has shown that Tai Chi and Qi Gong can benefit those with back pain, joint pain, and even chronic pain.
National institutes of Health |
Manage Your StressLearn to control your body and mind to help you manage those stressful moments in life.
Mayoclinic |